

Design Project


4 Weeks

Project Type



E commerce


Look for opportunities and gaps in the fashion retail industry and create solution.



  • Secondary

  • Primary

  • Insights


  • Customer Journey maps

  • High Fidelity Screens

Secondary Research

11 billion U.S. dollars D2C fashion brands will increase to 43 billion U.S. dollars in 2025

Online D2C brands will capture 29% of India’s overall online fashion market.

Some examples of those Indian brands are:

Secondary Research Insights

  1. Increased Competition

The D2C fashion market in India is projected to grow significantly, hence the competition will increase as more brands enter the space.

  1. Customer Discovery

With a growing number of brands, D2C players struggle to get their products discovered by potential customers.

  1. Brand Awareness

Building brand awareness and establishing a unique identity is crucial for D2C brands to stand out from the crowd.



  1. 18-28 Age

  2. Punjab, Chandigarh

  3. Shop online

  4. Look for style varieties


  1. D2C fashion brands in India

  2. Those targeting younger demographics (Gen Z, Millennials) comfortable with online shopping and new technologies.

Primary Research Insights

Inspiration Fatigue

So many fashion inspiration on Instagram and other social media platforms, making it difficult to identify unique styles and discover new brands.

Influencer Reliance

They follow and save reels and posts of the influencers and they follow and buy clothes that the influencer suggests.

Time-Consuming Exploration

Researching and comparing brands, styles, and prices across various D2C platforms takes significant time and effort.

Difficult Brand Research

Navigating and comparing numerous D2C brands online can be time-consuming and overwhelming, especially on mobile devices.

Decision Paralysis

With abundant options, there is difficulty making purchase decisions due to FOMO on a better deal or trend elsewhere.

Sizing & Fit Concerns

The absence of physical try-on options for online purchases can lead to sizing and fit anxieties.

Problem Statement

The explosion of D2C brands overwhelms young online shoppers (18-28) with choices, leading to decision fatigue and difficulty finding styles they love. Additionally, D2C brands struggle to compete, lacking the resources to stand out. This hinders a smooth fashion discovery experience for both consumers and brands.

How might we?

  1. For the Users

Design a solution for age 18-28 that streamlines the online shopping experience reducing decision fatigue, and enhancing satisfaction in finding new clothing brands and styles suited to their preferences and needs?

  1. For the Brands

Empower D2C brands who sell their products on their app or website to optimize their online presence to compete effectively in the online space?


Virtual Try-On and Style Assistant

  1. Virtual Try-On with AR:

This feature uses augmented reality (AR) technology to allow users to see how clothes would look on them virtually, without having to physically try them on.

  1. AI-powered Style Assistant:

This AI stylist acts as your personal shopper, mixing and matching clothing items from different brands to create complete outfits.

  1. Personalized Recommendations:

The assistant considers your unique style by taking into account your body type, color preferences, and even the occasion you're dressing for.

Influencers as the face of a style

  1. Curated Inspiration:

Influencers are already followed for their style sense. By featuring them as the face of a style, platforms can connect users directly with inspiring looks.

  1. Shoppable Content:

Influencers can showcase styles with links to purchase the exact items, making it seamless for users to go from "see-now" to "buy-now."

  1. Authentic Representation:

Influencers can represent a wider range of styles and body types than traditional models, fostering a more relatable connection for viewers.

Detour Options for Exploration

  1. Step Outside Your Comfort Zone:

Style Detour introduces users to fashion that's different from their usual picks.

  1. Curated for You:

The detour goes beyond random suggestions, offering styles that align with your tastes but have a fresh twist.

  1. Trend Spotting:

The feature incorporates emerging trends, keeping you on the cutting edge of fashion.

User Journey Map


Fashion-conscious individual looking for a new way to shop online.


The user stumbles upon Stylier through social media ads, influencer posts, or positive online reviews. They're curious about what this app offers.

Brand Journey Map


D2C Brand Representative (Marketing Manager, Product Owner)


The brand representative encounters Stylier through various touchpoints, sparking initial interest.

App for the Users

Landing Page for Brands

  1. Stylier's brand landing page is designed to capture the attention of D2C brand representatives

  1. The landing page features a clear call to action (CTA) like “Try for FREE". The signup process is designed for efficiency, requiring essential brand information and contact details.

Dashboard for Brands

  1. Upon successful signup and plan selection (free trial or paid subscription), the brand receives a unique API key. This secure key unlocks access to their personalized Stylier dashboard.

  1. Effortless Integration: Step-by-step guides and comprehensive documentation ensure smooth integration of the Stylier plugin with the brand's e-commerce platform.

  1. Product Management: An intuitive interface allows uploading product information, images, and size charts for seamless integration with Stylier's virtual try-on technology.

  1. Data-Driven Insights: Interactive dashboards and reports provide valuable data points accessible via the API key:

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designheryerde 2024. Designed by Samriddhi

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designheryerde 2024. Designed by Samriddhi