Broccli- Your trusted vendors at your door step

3D Render
3D Render
3D Render


New app using design thinking


5 Weeks

Project Type

Team of 3




  • A detailed report of user research findings
  • Design rationale and future recommendations
  • Design mockups and prototypes of the proposed micro-interactions


Identify and implement impactful micro-interactions within the Pinterest mobile app. These small, functional animations and design elements are intended to make the app more intuitive, engaging, and efficient.

Expected Results

  • User Engagement: Increase in user interaction with the saving and board creation features.
  • User Satisfaction: Increase in user satisfaction regarding the intuitiveness and responsiveness of the app.
  • Efficiency: Reduced time spent on board selection and creation, indicating improved efficiency.
  • Feedback: Positive user feedback regarding the appeal of the new animated confirmation and the streamlined board creation process.

Secondary Research

Origins and Growth: The journey of online grocery shopping in India began in the early 2000s. Its significant expansion occurred over the last decade, fueled by enhanced access to high-speed internet and the proliferation of smartphone usage.
Market Entry by Companies: Numerous companies entered the market, introducing online grocery shopping as a solution that merged convenience with time efficiency for consumers.
Impact of COVID-19: The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic acted as a catalyst for this sector. With an emphasis on minimizing contact and maintaining social distance, consumers increasingly turned to online grocery shopping, avoiding the traditional, crowded store settings.
Current Trends and Future Outlook: The online grocery shopping market in India is currently experiencing rapid growth. This trend is projected to persist, with expectations of continued expansion in the coming years.
Adoption in Tier 2 Cities: Consumers in Tier 2 cities are increasingly adopting online grocery shopping, finding it as convenient as those in Tier 1 cities.
Challenges in Lower-Tier Cities: The development of retail supply chains in these cities is not as advanced, creating challenges in meeting the balance between demand and supply.
Consumer Price Sensitivity: A significant portion of consumers in Tier 2 cities are price-sensitive. A majority believe that online grocery platforms offer more discounts compared to local neighborhood stores.
Preference for Local Stores: Despite the growth of online shopping, a similar proportion of consumers still find the experience of shopping at local neighborhood stores enjoyable and engaging.

Behaviour Pattern of Men & Women

Shopping Habits by Gender: Generally, women engage more frequently in grocery shopping and tend to spend a longer duration in stores compared to men.
Influence of Deals and Quality: Women are often influenced by discounts and coupons in their purchasing decisions. In contrast, men prioritize product quality and brand reputation when making purchases.
Purchasing Patterns: Men typically focus on buying specific items they need. Women, on the other hand, often explore a broader range of products and are more open to trying new items.
Information Seeking Behavior: Women are more inclined to seek detailed product information, such as reading labels and researching online. Men, conversely, tend to rely more on visual cues like in-store displays and packaging for product information.
Shopping Time Preferences: Women generally prefer taking time in stores to compare various options, whereas men usually aim for a quicker shopping experience, preferring to leave the store as soon as possible.
Common Concerns: Both men and women share concerns about potential issues like the quality of products and the costs associated with delivery when it comes to grocery shopping.

Behaviour Pattern of Men & Women

Ideal Users

Pre Covid i.e before 2020 is the nascent phase wherein there was cautious adoption by the earliest of customers who mainly belonged to Tier 1 Indian cities. Online platforms struggled with high delivery costs, limited product range and slow delivery times.

Ideal Users

Phase 2 i.e 2020 to 2022 saw the massification as the demand increased due to social seclusion. Businesses invested in technology, supply chain infrastructure and logistics. A lot of platforms emerged as well.

Ideal Users

Post Covid, online platforms became more sophisticated as there was faster delivery time and expanded product ranges. Businesses started focusing on the quality of their products in order to retain their users.

Insights from the secondary research

  • Growing Online Market: The significant expansion of online grocery shopping in India, especially in the last decade, indicates a large and growing market for such apps. This trend is fueled by increased internet access and smartphone usage.

  • Diverse Consumer Base: The adoption of online grocery shopping in both Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities suggests a diverse consumer base with varying needs and preferences.

  • Impact of COVID-19: The pandemic accelerated the shift to online shopping, highlighting the importance of contactless transactions and social distancing.

  • Challenges in Supply Chain: The underdeveloped retail supply chains in lower-tier cities present a challenge in balancing demand and supply.

  • Consumer Price Sensitivity: Price sensitivity, especially in Tier 2 cities, suggests that users value discounts and affordable options.

  • Gender-Based Shopping Patterns: Women's tendency to engage more in grocery shopping and seek detailed product information suggests the need for an informative and easy-to-navigate app interface.

  • Post-COVID Trends: The sophistication of online platforms post-COVID, with faster delivery times and expanded product ranges, indicates high user expectations for efficiency and variety.

Ideal Users

Pinterest acts as a visual discovery engine, providing inspiration and ideas for a variety of interests. It combines the elements of social networking with personalized curation and visual search technology, enabling users to discover, save, and share creative ideas.
Scenarios of Use
  • Creative Project Inspiration: Using Pinterest to gather and organize ideas for creative projects.
  • Event Planning: Creating boards for event themes, decorations, and activities.
  • Fashion Curation: Following trends, creating personal style boards.
  • Home Decoration and Renovation: Collecting ideas for home decor and renovation projects.
  • Recipe Discovery: Finding and saving new recipes and cooking techniques.

Competitor's user base

3D Render
3D Render
3D Render

Insights from Competitor Research

  • Gender Preferences in User Base:Female users are more inclined towards Jiomart, Blinkit, and Dunzo, while Bigbasket, Flipkart, and Amazon see a higher male user engagement.

  • Age Group Popularity:The age group of 26-32 shows a preference for Jiomart, Bigbasket, Amazon, and Dunzo, but there's a notable decrease in users aged 33-42 across all these platforms.

  • Trend Towards Hybrid Shopping Experiences:JioMart's success with its hybrid model highlights a shift in consumer preferences towards a mix of online convenience with offline trustworthiness.

  • Consumer Preferences: Delivery Speed vs. Product Diversity:A distinct split in the market emerges, with Blinkit and Dunzo focusing on quick delivery, and BigBasket emphasizing a diverse and quality product range.

  • Market Reach: Urban Focus vs. Wider Demographics:Dunzo and Blinkit primarily target urban customers, while JioMart and BigBasket appeal to a more diverse and broader demographic.

  • Importance of Operational Efficiency:For platforms specializing in swift delivery, maintaining operational efficiency and effective cost management is vital for long-term sustainability and growth.

  • Challenges in Grocery Segmentation for Large E-commerce Platforms:Despite their strengths, Amazon and Flipkart struggle to prioritize groceries, potentially leaving room for more specialized grocery platforms.The Role of Brand Loyalty:BigBasket's focus on quality and variety has fostered substantial brand loyalty, underscoring the importance of customer retention alongside acquisition strategies in the sector.

Primary Research

Conducted interviews of people in the age group 25-42 in Punjab and identify their pain points, mental model, habits and user interests.

Interview Type- Semi-Structured

Respondents: 80

Males: 35

Females: 45

Insights from Primary Research

Adoption of Online Platforms: A significant portion of our users have embraced online platforms for grocery shopping. This shift is not merely a matter of convenience; it reflects a deeper behavioral trend. Users are drawn to online shopping not only to save time and avoid the physical exertion of in-store shopping but also for the diverse options available at their fingertips. This indicates a growing preference for digital solutions that offer efficiency and variety.
Bulk Purchases and Price Sensitivity: There's a notable trend towards bulk purchasing, particularly on online platforms. This behavior is likely driven by the perceived economic benefits and the desire to minimize frequent shopping trips. Users are highly sensitive to price and quality, suggesting that any online grocery service must prioritize competitive pricing and high-quality products to meet user expectations.
Diary Products and Fresh Groceries: Despite the convenience of online shopping, certain products like dairy and fresh groceries are still predominantly sourced daily from local vendors. This preference underscores the importance users place on the freshness and quality of certain types of groceries, which they believe are best obtained from local sources.
Impact of the Pandemic: The COVID-19 pandemic has been a significant catalyst in shifting user behavior towards online grocery shopping. Many who turned to online platforms during the pandemic have continued this practice, suggesting a lasting change in shopping habits. However, this shift also highlights a potential pain point: the need for online platforms to continuously evolve and adapt to retain these users post-pandemic.
In-Store Shopping Preferences: Despite the rise in online shopping, a substantial number of users still prefer in-store experiences. This preference is often linked to the desire to physically inspect products, enjoy fixed pricing, and experience the variety available in-store. This suggests that physical stores continue to offer value that online platforms need to consider and possibly integrate into their digital experience.
Local Vendor Loyalty and Trust Issues: A noteworthy segment of our user base remains loyal to local vendors, indicating a reluctance to shift to online platforms. This loyalty stems from established trust and perceived quality assurance with local vendors. Online platforms must address these trust issues by ensuring quality control and building user confidence through transparent practices.
Convenience and Instant Delivery: Factors like convenience and the promise of instant delivery are powerful motivators for users to shop online. This insight points to a growing expectation for rapid service and ease of use in digital platforms, which can be a critical differentiator in the competitive online grocery market.
Variety and Price Comparison: Users who shop in-store often engage in thorough price comparisons and enjoy exploring a variety of options. This behavior indicates a desire for control and informed decision-making in the shopping process, which online platforms can facilitate through user-friendly interfaces and comprehensive product information.

Pain Points

Quality Concerns: Users are hesitant to buy certain products like dairy and fresh groceries online due to quality issues.
Trust Issues: A significant number of users are reluctant to shop online due to trust issues with online platforms.
Price Sensitivity: Users are highly sensitive to price, making it crucial for online platforms to offer competitive pricing.
Loyalty to Local Vendors: Many users prefer local vendors over online platforms, indicating a strong sense of loyalty and trust in local sources.
Need for Physical Inspection: In-store shoppers value the ability to physically inspect products, something not possible with online shopping.
Variety and Comparison: Users enjoy the variety and the ability to compare prices in-store, which can be more challenging online.


Enhancing Online Quality Assurance: Improving quality control and assurance for products sold online, especially perishables.
Building Trust: Implementing transparent practices and building user confidence in online shopping.
Competitive Pricing Strategies: Offering competitive prices and deals to attract price-sensitive customers.
Hybrid Shopping Models: Developing a model that combines the convenience of online shopping with the experience of in-store shopping.
User-Friendly Digital Experience: Creating an intuitive and informative online shopping interface that facilitates easy comparison and selection.
Rapid Delivery Services: Focusing on instant or same-day delivery services to enhance convenience for online shoppers.

How might we enhance the grocery shopping experience of people aged between 32-42 years in Punjab who value transparency and like to source groceries from their trusted local vendors ?

Focus insights

People shop offline more due to the facility of looking through all varieties available and sourcing their groceries from the trusted and well-known grocers.

They have a tendency in their household to create a grocery list and then shop for those. Therefore, it is deduced that people admire the transparency this process provides them with.


Virtual Reality (VR) Shopping Experience: Develop a VR platform where users can virtually walk through grocery aisles, inspect products, and make selections. This experience would mimic the in-store experience, allowing users to view product varieties and details as if they were physically present in the store.
Augmented Reality (AR) List Matching: An AR app could allow users to scan their written or digital grocery list, and then visually highlight these items in-store through their smartphone camera. This would streamline the shopping process and ensure they don't miss any items on their list.
Trusted Grocer Partnerships for Online Platforms: Establish partnerships with well-known local grocers to be listed on an online platform. This would bridge the trust gap, as users would be able to purchase from their preferred local vendors online, ensuring both convenience and trust.
Transparent Sourcing Information: Enhance online platforms with detailed information about product sourcing, including origin, freshness, and quality checks. This transparency could build trust and replicate the assurance users feel when shopping in-store.
Customizable Online Aisles: Allow users to customize their online shopping interface based on their preferences and frequently purchased items. This personalized 'aisle' would make online shopping more efficient and tailored to individual needs.
Interactive Shopping Lists with Recommendations: Develop an app feature where users can input their shopping list and receive recommendations on the best products, deals, and alternatives. This feature could also include nutritional information and product reviews to aid decision-making.
In-Store Navigation and Assistance App: Create an app that helps users navigate physical stores more efficiently, locating items on their list quickly. The app could also provide information on product availability, current deals, and even alternative suggestions.
Hybrid Shopping Experience: Introduce a service where users can select their groceries online from their preferred store and have an in-store employee physically pick and pack the items. Customers can then either pick up their groceries at the store or have them delivered, ensuring they get the exact products they trust and prefer.
Feedback and Community Platform: Develop a platform where users can leave feedback on products and share their shopping a. This community-driven approach can help build trust and provide valuable insights to other shoppers.
Subscription-Based Personal Shopper Service: Offer a subscription service where a personal shopper selects groceries based on the user's preferences and past purchases. This service would combine the convenience of online shopping with the personalized touch of in-store shopping.


Improved onboarding process


Increase in user retention


Increase in time spent on website


Research & Analysis: We conducted user interviews, surveys, and analyzed in-app analytics to understand the pain points and user needs. We also studied competitor apps and industry trends to gather insights

Information Architecture: Based on the research findings, we restructured the app's navigation and content, prioritizing features and information according to user needs.

Wireframing & Prototyping: We designed low-fidelity wireframes to visualize the new layout and navigation, iteratively refining them based on user feedback. Afterward, we built a high-fidelity, interactive prototype to test the design.

Usability Testing: We conducted usability tests with a diverse group of users to validate the design and identify areas for improvement. Based on the feedback, we made necessary adjustments to the design.

Visual Design & Style Guide: We developed a cohesive visual language, including color schemes, typography, and iconography, ensuring consistency throughout the app. We also created a style guide to maintain design consistency in future updates.


The StreamLine mobile banking app redesign successfully addressed the usability issues, resulting in a more intuitive and user-friendly experience. The improved UX/UI design led to increased user adoption, engagement, and satisfaction, demonstrating the value of a well-designed template for UX designers.

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