Interaction Design


Interaction Design


1 Weeks

Project Type



E commerce


Audit documentation

Redesigned screens



Audit the app design of previous project based on rejuvenating spaces for working professionals to include nature into their life.

Introducing Interactions such as micro interactions and gamifications wherever necessary.


Micro interaction

  • Splash screen

  • Loading screens

  • Spacing

  • Copy and content


  • Community

  • Tips of the day

  • Mood boards



Words: The copy is very neutral and lacks a conversational tone.

Color: The colors of the app resonates calmness and serenity.

Typography: Too neutral, lacks personality.

Imagery: The images used gives a calm vibe to the app.


Lacks a Skip button for existing user.

Text becomes hard to read if the images used are highly exposed.

A swipe interaction can be included to guide between screens.

Relevant images are not used according to the copy for each page.

Home Page


Proximity issues in arrangement of elements like Search box, heading and categories.

Neutral typography lacks personality.

Placement of profile icon is not aligned with the cards in the page.

Rounded corners of images with soft icons gives a sense of comfort.


Improper categorization of different spaces in the home page.

Excess options in Navigation Bar.

The Like button isn’t prominent because of the black gradient of the images.

Lack of an option to choose between different spaces/rooms of the home.


The user feels calm after they use the app, thanks to its minimalist and clean design.

User gets inspired from the different images and gets ideas.

Designer’s Profile


Poor contrast of colors in headings and body text.

Text heavy description of different interior designers.

The Slide indicator uses the same color for all three states.

CTA Button isn’t prominent amidst the images, reducing its click through rate.


Lack of text explaining the ‘other works’ of the designer below the images.

The Upload Description button looks like a button for uploading photo or document but it should have input fields asking about the needs of the user.


The user remembers the style and aesthetic of the designer and might book an appointment later with the same person.

Connecting with Designers


Improper hierarchy of button styles with darker and bigger buttons for secondary actions and smaller and lighter button for primary button.

Lack of consistency with colors between different screens.


Same color is used for both sender and receiver's message, user might be confused if there is large amount of text.

Poor labelling of different sections in the Requirements page.


The user connects with an interior designer and feels good that someone is there to guide them and give suggestions for the decor.

What emotions do we want to evoke?

Serenity, characterized by a state of calmness, peace, is foundational for rejuvenation.

When the mind and body are in a serene state, stress levels decrease, leading to improved mental health and physical well-being.

This peaceful state allows individuals to disconnect from daily stressors, facilitating a healing and restorative process.

What emotions do we want to evoke?

What emotions do we want to evoke?

What emotions do we want to evoke?

Redesigned Screens

  • Before

  • After

  • Before

  • After

  • Before

  • After

  • Before

  • After

Current Scenario

Users are using the app once or twice but not returning again for daily rejuvenation.


Give the users a daily dose of rejuvenation. Hence, increasing user engagement.

S.M.A.R.T. Mission

Increase user retention by 15% in the app through engaging users in reward based activities in 3 months.



  • Users can share their personal experience or rejuvenation tips.

  • Each post save gives the users 1 credit.

  • Redeem credits to get discounts or generate mood boards.

  • A sense of community and social recognition along with rewards and incentives.

  • Aim for a significant rise in engagement metrics within three months, with regular progress reviews and strategy adjustments.

Motivation Drivers for Community


Learning and Growth

Through engaging with others’ tips and experiences, users can learn new methods for rejuvenation and personal care.

Psychological Well-Being

The act of contributing to a community can create a sense of belonging and improve well-being.

Social Recognition

Users receive recognition in the form of credits for each post saved by others, enhancing their status within the community.


Rewards and Incentives

The ability to redeem credits for discounts serves as a tangible reward for participation.

Game Mechanics


Rank users based on the number of credits earned from post saves to foster a competitive spirit.

Achievement Badges:

Award badges for various milestones, like "First Post Shared," "100 Saves," or "Community Influencer," to acknowledge personal achievement and encourage creative expression.

Tip of the Day

  • Award users 5 points for viewing the "Tip of the Day," with increasing points for each consecutive day they return to the app, fostering a habit of daily usage.

  • Enable users to redeem accumulated points for discounts and generate mood boards.

  • Expect a 30% increase in daily active users interacting with the "Tip of the Day," contributing to a stronger sense of daily routine and discovery within the app.

Motivation Drivers for Tip of the Day


Learning and Growth

Daily rejuvenation tips provide ongoing learning opportunities for users interested in self-care and well-being.

Psychological Well-Being

Implementing daily tips can contribute to users’ routine and overall mental health.


Rewards and Incentives

Points awarded for viewing the Tip of the Day and additional points for consecutive engagement incentivize regular interaction with the app.

Game Mechanics


Implement a system that rewards users for "streaks" or consecutive days of engaging with the Tip of the Day, increasing the points for each consecutive day.

Tip Collector:

Users can collect tips they find useful, aiming to complete "collections" for additional points or rewards.


  • Empower users to create, share, and trade personalized mood boards, rewarding their creativity and participation within the app's community.

  • Assign users 15 points for each mood board generation, 2 points for each share, aiming to have at least 20% of active users participating in mood board creation.

Motivation Drivers for Moodboards


Creative Expression

Creating and sharing mood boards allow users to showcase their design flair and personal taste.


Users have the freedom to create mood boards based on their individual style, offering them control over their creative output.


Rewards and Incentives

Earning points for creating, sharing, and selling mood boards translates to tangible benefits, such as discounts or access to premium features.

Game Mechanics

Personalized mood boards: Users can use rewards to create mood boards personalize them according to their liking and share it on the community. They can also randomize the mood boards to create variations of the theme.

Community Engagement: Elevates social status within the community, motivating users to actively participate and share their creativity.

Engagement Loop

Design is Everywhere!

Let's explore design together!
designheryerde 2024. Designed by Samriddhi

Design is Everywhere!

Let's explore design together!
designheryerde 2024. Designed by Samriddhi