Micro Interaction Design


Micro-Interaction Design


2 Weeks

Project Type



Social Media (Pinterest)


  • A detailed report of user research findings
  • Design rationale and future recommendations
  • Design mockups and prototypes of the proposed micro-interactions


Identify and implement impactful micro-interactions within the Pinterest mobile app. These small, functional animations and design elements are intended to make the app more intuitive, engaging, and efficient.

Expected Results

  • User Engagement: Increase in user interaction with the saving and board creation features.
  • User Satisfaction: Increase in user satisfaction regarding the intuitiveness and responsiveness of the app.
  • Efficiency: Reduced time spent on board selection and creation, indicating improved efficiency.
  • Feedback: Positive user feedback regarding the appeal of the new animated confirmation and the streamlined board creation process.

History of Pinterest

History of Pinterest

History of Pinterest

Minimalist and Grid Layout (2010-2012): Early Pinterest had a simple, grid-based layout that emphasized images.

Infinite Scrolling: This feature was integral from the start, allowing users to endlessly discover new content.

Early Design

2013 Redesign: Introduced a cleaner, more modern look with larger images and improved navigation.

Responsive Design: Over time, Pinterest evolved to be more responsive, optimizing its design for various devices.

Design Evolution

Visual Search (2015): Introduced tools to find products just by clicking on parts of images.

2016-2017: Enhanced personalization in layout and content recommendations.

User-Friendly Navigation: Continuous tweaks to make navigation more intuitive.

Feature Expansion

2018-2020: Emphasis on bolder visuals and video content.

E-commerce Integration: Design adaptations to integrate shopping features seamlessly.

2021 onwards: Focus on cleaner aesthetics with more white space and streamlined user flows.

Recent Design Shifts

Ideal Users

Pinterest acts as a visual discovery engine, providing inspiration and ideas for a variety of interests. It combines the elements of social networking with personalized curation and visual search technology, enabling users to discover, save, and share creative ideas.
Scenarios of Use
  • Creative Project Inspiration: Using Pinterest to gather and organize ideas for creative projects.
  • Event Planning: Creating boards for event themes, decorations, and activities.
  • Fashion Curation: Following trends, creating personal style boards.
  • Home Decoration and Renovation: Collecting ideas for home decor and renovation projects.
  • Recipe Discovery: Finding and saving new recipes and cooking techniques.

Patterns observed during Interview and Task Analysis

  1. Frequent Use of Search and Save Features:
    Users across different interests (art, study materials, UX design, poetry, fashion, illustration, dance) heavily rely on the search and save functions.
    This indicates a strong user preference for easy navigation and efficient organization of content.

  2. Desire for Visual Confirmation and Interactive Elements:
    Multiple users expressed a desire for an animation or icon to confirm a pin has been saved.
    This suggests a need for more engaging and reassuring user feedback mechanisms.

  3. Board Feature as a Central Tool:
    The board feature is consistently mentioned as crucial, indispensable, and most used.
    Users find value in organizing and categorizing their interests, indicating the importance of this feature in the overall user experience.

Areas for Improvement

  1. User Interface Enhancements:
    Introduce subtle animations for saving pins to make the process more engaging and intuitive.
    Implement visual confirmations for saved actions to provide clear feedback to users.
    Improve the visibility and accessibility of the 'create new board' and 'save to board' options.

  2. Feature Development:
    Develop a 'recent boards' feature for quicker access to frequently used boards.
    Introduce templates and advanced editing tools for creating pins to enhance the creative process.
    Add a feature to preview pins on different devices, aiding in optimizing pin visibility and design.

  3. Loading and Navigation Experience:
    Enhance the loading screen with dynamic elements like an animated logo to maintain user engagement during wait times.
    Streamline the navigation process, making it easier and faster to find and use various features, especially for new users.

  4. Content Discovery and Management:
    Improve categorization and management options for boards to facilitate easier organization of saved content.
    Consider user suggestions for more engaging content discovery and saving experiences.

Micro-interaction Ideation

Micro-interaction Ideation

Animated Logo for Loading Screen


  1. Perceived Slowness During Loading: Users often feel a sense of impatience or frustration during loading times, especially if there is no engaging visual element to occupy their attention.

  2. Lack of Brand Engagement in Waiting Periods: A static loading screen can be a missed opportunity for reinforcing brand identity and keeping users engaged during wait times.

  3. User Disengagement: Without a dynamic visual cue, users might feel disconnected from the app during loading, potentially leading to a drop in user interest or app usage.

Targeted Business Metrics:

  1. User Engagement Rate: If the animation captures users' attention and enhances their perception of the app, this could lead to increased overall engagement.

  2. Session Duration: Users may be more inclined to spend longer periods within the app if the initial impression is positive, leading to increased session times.

  3. User Retention: A captivating animation can improve the first impression, potentially leading to higher retention rates.

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